Network Treatment Plan

Just like your patients, your networks need regularly scheduled maintenance to prevent small problems from becoming large ones. We address HIPAA and PCI compliance issues. We keep your network updated with the latest software for your practice.

  • We keep your network healthy by performing preventative maintenance.
  • We do basic cleaning.
  • We improve performance
  • We look for cavities and apply fillings to the computers, servers and your network devices.
  • We upgrade your Practice Management System and Digital Equipment Bridges.

To keep your networks healthy and strong, we visit with you on a regular basis to probe your staff and you for information about how your system is running. Your feedback tells us if there is anything else we need to address … outside of our standard maintenance checklist.

We have the same goal! Let’s pinpoint issues before they become major problems. We identify them and work with you to resolve them.


We are Founding Members.

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